12th Club symposium on Portal hypertension

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our greatest pleasure to invite you to the 12th Symposium on Portal Hypertension in Banska Stiavnica. We have announced both the new date[1] and the new (Club) format of SPH at the last year’s meeting and then have – not entirely without purpouse – restrained from spreading explicit assigment proposals until the last minute. The intention was to tilt the usual presentation:discussion balance to the discussion side in order to squeeze the inspirational power of impromptu and approximate standards of care, acknowledge running research projects and ivite to multicentric endeavours or external validations.

Presentations from liver units in program domains of WHAT’S UP, PREDICTION, MICROBIOME, and OFF-VOGUE should open and catalyze panel discussions which will be recorded, transcribed and, – after consent – distributed (Delphi-like) for your comments, ammendments, and approval to be published either as guidances or study protocols.

The highlight of this year’s SPH Club is the panel discussion on status quo and perspectives of  SCREENING for liver diseases in our regions which will be introduced by the state-of-the art lecture by Ivana Mikolasevic with subsequent panel discussion moderated by Croatia  – the CE country with the longest and richest screening history.

On the March 18th, the historical centre of Banska Stiavnica was on fire which had temporarily stunned the SPH organization but, according to the latest news the tragedy should not have any serious modifying consequences to the meeting.

Dear colleagues, we are looking forward to meeting you in Slovakia and we hope to provide a permissive milieu to harmonic vibrations of collective consciousness and see it materialize to palpable and measurable outcome.

Yours sincerely

Lubomir Skladany,
Svetlana Adamcova-Selcanova
Peter Slovak


14.4. a 15.4.2023

Kammerhof, Banská Štiavnica





Záznamy prednášok si môžte pozrieť tu: https://www.slovhep.sk/verejnost/clanok/?uid=B3283AD0F2AF40FBACD1D383115AD45E

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